Sai Bhaji Sindhi Recipe

by admin

Preparation time 10 minutes

Cooking time 20 minutes
1 bunch of palak
2 small chopped onions
3 medium sized chopped tomatoes
1 small chopped brinjal
1 small chopped carrot
1 big bowl of channa dal
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp chilli powder
Salt to taste
3 tbsp oil
Method of cooking
1. Soak channa dal in water for half an hour then heat oil in a pressure cooker add chopped onions and ginger-garlic paste and sauté it till light brown.
2. Add chopped tomatoes chopped brinjal and chopped carrot and sauté it for 5 minutes. Then add turmeric powder chilli powder coriander powder and salt to taste and mix it.
3. Then chop the Palak wash it and add to it and leave it for 5 minutes with the lid covered. Then remove the lid add 1 glass of water and cook it giving 10 whistles.
4. Then after sometimes open the lid and churn it with a wooden churner and your Palak is ready it should not be too thick or too liquid it should be medium. You can eat it with Khichdi or with Yellow Rice.
Let me know if you prepare this tasty sabzi and let us know your views on it.

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